Thursday, November 30, 2006


Gallos and gallinas

I don´t know if I´ve mentioned this already, but Levi and I are staying at Big Foot Hostel in Leon, Nicaragua. It´s a backpacker hub in this gritty, bustling town, with a bar, dorm rooms and a lush garden where turtles roam. Levi and I sleep in a private room at the back of the hostel, where the walls don´t reach the ceiling and where we hear the gallos and gallinas of Leon cheer each other on during the after-glow of passion.

Gallos are roosters, gallinas are chickens. When a gallo fertilizes an egg, he starts to crow. The gallina starts to screech, and all their neighborhood pals join in the celebratory cry. This has been the norm for all the places we´ve visited in Central America. But in Leon, the rooster nearby sounds like he´s gotten a tracheotomy.

We first speculated that our cock had lost his voice box in a bad cock fight. But Darryn, the hyper Aussie hostel owner, told us the truth of this cretinous animal.

Turns out he belongs to the archbishop´s wife, a nasty woman whose home is paid for by the Archiocese of Leon. That´s right, the archbishop´s WIFE. He is married. And to a woman who loves a rooster who sounds like he spends his afternoons at the Alger Bar & Grill.

But doesn´t it make total sense? This awful rooster is protected by Catholic corruption, which comes in the form of a witchy woman who tortures the neighborhood with her cock. (Did you know that President Daniel Ortega´s wife is a witch? Well, she is. A self-proclaimed bruja.)

Speaking of corruption, don´t donate your money to Nicaragua or anywhere unless you know where it´s really going. The amount of corruption that we hear about is astounding. More on that later, though.

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